Finding Your Unique VOICE for your Business
Your VOICE is your Words and the passion, tone and their use in the way you solve your Visitir's problems and create relationships with them, share stories, subtly demonstrate authority.
Get "gusto" into your voice. The really great sites sparkle with personality. They establish who you are and why the visitor should pay attention. And they are done with subtlety and creativity "between the lines." Remember... "Use you."Visitors want adventures, stories, characters, spirit, credibility, etc. If the subject matter is more serious, like business, they want authority, of course. Whatever the nature of your material, weave yourself into the story while positioning and reinforcing your VPP.
~ Voice and VPP (Part 2), Lessons From Chicago
You Are Not Wikipedia
Find Your Voice and VPP... Sparkle and Shine
Voice and VPP (Part 2), Lessons From Chicago
Documentaries often revolve around the VOICE and enthusiasm of the Presenter as well as the images ... think of Richard Attenborough
Julie and Julia - The Movie
The Movie Julie and Julia is about the passion for food of both Juli (a Cook and a Blogger) and Julia (through her personal enthusiasm and the years it took to write her exceptional book).
Have a look at the way Julie Powell blogged in her
The Julie/Julia Project
Nobody here but us servantless American cooks...
Whilst not suggesting the "f***" word (in the written Blog) is part of your Business Plan, you will see a "personality" coming out in the Blog.
This is even more evident in the Movie (Julie and Julia) and I do suggest you see it if you can and LISTEN to her read aloud what she Blogs.
Look for her unique VOICE, enthusiasm and passion, but ...
But, as you explore YOUR VOICE, remember also your audience (refer to Day 6).
Your VOICE conveys passion and enthusiasm, and is suitable for your audience.
Audience types are numerous, and can be casual, sporty, professional, technical ...
Can you work out who Julie's audience may be ??
The Blog
Here is the (written) BLOG Address Trailer
Here is the
Movie Trailer of Julie Powell's Blog as explored in this brilliant Movie
Julie and Julia - the movie
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