2014 | Jan | Feb | Mch | April | May | June |
3rd Saturday | 18 | 15 | 15 | 19 | 17 | 21 |
Except | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Dec 13 | 19 | 16 | 20 | 18 | 15 | 13 |
Starting 10am at
The Loft Restaurant
- details below
This is SBIers getting together from all over Sydney.
No need to work alone, come meet fellow SBIers and hear about new tricks and tips !! An opportunity to learn and to share over a great coffee, cuppa, breakfast or brunch !!
The focus is on the Internet, Internet business, your business and Solo Build It or SBI.
=========== NEWS & TIPS ======================
Are you using BB2?
Seriously consider if you want to be really effective, and efficient with your limited time. Look at what I did ...
Using BB2, with my site plan (blueprint) in one hand, I created a new site from scratch in 1 hour and had 10 pages up in 3 hours with breadcrumb navigation links, two forms, navbar with headings, 3rd column images linking to Facebook and others and several images inserted in my pages.
YOU can do that too! and then celebrate with your favourite beverage.
BB2 is AMAZING !! You have increased effectiveness that puts your creating/publishing cycle into hyper-drive. All you need is your site plan.
Do you use Content2?
Need fresh content? Let your visitors write for you.
Did you see Elad's video?
Elad covers many topics that work from his experience. One item he discusses is how he has 15,000 pages built by Content2 ! Wow
Click here to see this - don't miss it.
Breadcrumbs- because I am still asked about these and so have left this link. What are they you ask?
Here is a good explanation.
They add more sophistication to your site.
We are still talking about it !! You can still use BB1 or start to use BB2 (it's great!), or even convert your whole site over and have access to Site-Wide Dots ! BB2 is easier to use, more flexible and you see what you are creating as you create it !!
Traffic dropped a little, sales continue to climb ... strange. Have you a Panda or Penguin story?
SBI COFFEE TIME (or Tea, milk shake, toast, breakfast ? ...)
Want to come along and meet other SBIers? Have some questions, need some answers?
There is nothing like talking over a cup of coffee and swapping news and views. Meet up and find some like-minded people just like you exploring different ideas using SBI.
Leave when you need to leave ...
WHERE? The Loft at Macquarie Shopping Centre - right at the top of the Shopping Centre near JB HiFi.
Just keep going UP and UP on the escalator - a table is reserved outsideon an edge. Look for the tables drawn together.
WHEN? Saturday starting 10am on Saturday 1 December 2012
FREE INTERNET: FREE Internet Hotspot if you wish to bring your Netbook, Smartphone, iPad, Tablet ...
COFFEE & Food (if you wish): Priced very well - not a very expensive outing - buy a coffee or tea to say thanks to The Loft for the venue.
Use this ... Google Map
4 Hours FREE. Be aware of the Express Parking with only 1 Hour Free.
After parking, head right to the top of the Shopping Centre, adjacent JB Hi Fi.
Just keep going up - escalator or lift - try the Lift, it's a great ride and a "room" with a view !!
The new trains stop right next to the Shopping Centre. Alight at Macquarie University and walk down hill about 40 metres.
Send a QUICK REPLY to the original email if you think you'll be there and I'll make sure there are enough seats reserved.
I look forward to seeing you and chatting over a coffee, about celebrations and challenges ....... then do some shopping, maybe ???
Best regards,
SBI in Australia
Group wisdom helping you with the next steps
FREE hints, tips, ...
Accelerating knowledge to create a different future
by turning passions into business,
ideas and visions into reality